"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly." J.R.R. Tolkien


bits of life // currently

WRITING // literature thesis paper about Emma.  loving every minute of it.

EATING // chocolate of course

READING // my favorite parts of An Old Fashioned Girl. Admiring Polly so much and wanting her to be my role model.

"I just try to look on the bright side of things; that helps one amazingly.  Why, you've no idea how much goodness and sunshine you can get out of the most unpromising things, it you make the best of them." ~ Polly Milton

LISTENING // Mozart's "Eine kleine Nachtmusik."  Longtime favorite.

APPRECIATING // spring flowers (but not spring allergies).  Also the wonderfulness of good friends.  Those at long distances, and those close to home. ♥  

ANTICIPATING // finishing high school in a few weeks. (!!!)

PRAYING // my first 54-day Rosary novena.  It's been such a blessing so far.

REMEMBERING // "In thee, O Lord, do I seek refuge." (Psalm 31)


  1. Mmmm, I just came across a dubstep remix of Eine kleine Nachtmusik on the YouTubes the other day... it's a regular on my playlist now. :) Not exactly traditional, but ya know. It's jammable.

    The Starving Inspired

  2. Oh, I love this. ♥♥ It's so sweet. And Iris, I just looked up Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Dubstep on YT, and day. made. ;)

  3. Oooh, a thesis on Emma! Aah, lucky girl, that sounds delightful...what specifically is it about? And cheers for Rosary novenas! So glad you're joining us. :) Thanks again for the sweet comment about "Beast +Beauty'!

    1. Aw, thanks for stopping by, Grace! I'm writing my thesis about Emma's internal character change in the story, and how her growth in virtue begins with knowledge of self. It's been a lot of fun so far. :) And I've been delighted to join the Rosary novena! Just after a week, it's already been a great experience. God bless! ♥

  4. Love your camera, and YOU. <3
    Spring flowers and Emma and chocolate! Life is so blessed! God bless.

    1. And I love YOU. ♥ It's crazy all the blessings you can find in your life when you just stop and look for them. :)

  5. You are such a beautiful soul, Kathryn. Thank you for cheering my day.

    1. Aw Sami, you are always cheering mine whenever I visit your lovely blog. <3 Thank you so much.

  6. Kathryn! You've been nominated for the Liebster Award! :) Over at my blog! Can't wait to read your answers! :)

    1. Why thank you for the nomination, Elizabeth! I'm so glad to have discovered your fabulous blog!! <3

  7. This is so beautiful! I loved an Old Fashioned Girl, one of my all time favorites!

    1. Thanks so much, Anne Marie! Isn't An Old Fashioned Girl such a fantastic book!?! Definitely an old favorite. :)
